Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Game Time

Futsal game last night was fun! For one, there were more of us from work who played, thanks to Norman and Xavier's recruits. Seeing new people join us makes me hopeful that we can continue to sustain this. Sometimes, it does get hard mustering the numbers to play.

I've always enjoyed playing it non-stop hence I still want to play even if we only have just the exact players needed for the game. But lately, I've been dreading how the numbers would turn out because Norman always says he'd cancel if we have less than 13 people who'd confirm. There's really nothing much I can do when he decides to cancel. I always leave those decisions to the person who knows best. In this case, Norman knows best seeing that he seems to know the sport inside out and I'm just an eager newbie who thoroughly enjoys the game.

Quite frankly, I sometimes worry that I won't have enough play time when there's so many of us around. I guess this is one of the remnants of that other life where training took almost 80% of my daily life. Sometimes it doesn't help when my body and soul craves for the challenge, pain, adrenalin rush, and joy of training/playing.

Another reason I thoroughly enjoyed last night's game was the opportunity to team up with Candice who's really a good Futsal player. It was the first time that Badette and I played with her on the same team. You'd think that we're seriously disadvantaged for having three girls on our team while the other side has only one girl plus Norman and Pao (two of the really, really good players of our regular Futsal group).

I think playing with Candice brought out the best from Badette and myself. I was really in the zone in that particular game and I goaled twice, made an assist for Badette's goal, and made several attempts to shoot the ball straight to the goal. Candice scored four times in that game I think. She's really good. Of course the others in the team scored as well. We all played well together. I was just particularly happy about the "girl power" thing we're jokingly telling the other team.

I'm glad that I have this weekly Futsal thing going on. I wish there are more days to play.

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